Quorum Court raises inventory limit


The Baxter County Quorum Court has raised the county’s minimum expense threshold to inventory items.

Previously, any item purchased by the county costing $1,000 or more required that item be catalogued and maintained in inventory. Now, only items costing $5,000 or more must be tracked through the county’s inventory process.

State law requires that counties set a minimum price point to track purchased items and equipment, but does not set a specific dollar amount, County Judge Mickey Pendergrass said. The $1,000-threshold is believed to have been established by the Quorum Court back in 2002.

Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery told Quorum Court members that two decades’ worth of inflation meant many routine items like computers and lightbars for patrol vehicles now exceed the $1,000 cost point and must be tracked through the inventory.

Justices of the peace voted 11-0 to approve the proposal to raise the minimum dollar amount to be inventoried.

Also at the Quorum Court’s May meeting on Tuesday night:

– Justices of the peace placed an ordinance revising the county’s personnel policy manual on its first reading. That ordinance is expected to return at the group’s June meeting for another reading.

– The Quorum Court confirmed the appointment of Gary Smith to the Grover Township Fire Protection District Board of Commissioners and the reappointment of Phillip Rice to the Baxter County Equalization Board.

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