Henderson VFD to assist residents with groceries, prescriptions


Residents in the Henderson area who need assistance with groceries and prescriptions during the COVID-19 pandemic now have help. The Henderson Volunteer Fire Department is making runs into Mountain Home five days a week to pick up items for those age 55 and over.

The volunteers will go to Mountain Home between 1:30-2:30 and, upon return, will call patrons with an approximate delivery time. The fire department asks patrons call to place orders with their grocery store and/or pharmacy, complete pre-payment for the items and arrange for pick-up from 1:30-2:30.

Henderson residents who would like to take advantage of the service should call the fire department at 870-488-5254 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and provide name, address, phone number and where to pick up the items.

A firefighter in a fire department vehicle will bring the items to the patron’s door, but will not enter the residence.

Anyone with questions can call the Henderson Fire Department at 870-488-5254.

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