City of MH accepting sealed bids on property donated to fire department


This parcel of land located off of Buzzard Roost Road east of Mountain Home is for sale to the highest sealed bid by the City of Mountain Home.

The City of Mountain Home is accepting sealed bids for a piece of property donated in 2020 to its fire department, Mayor Hillrey Adams announced at Thursday evening’s city council meeting.

The property is located off Buzzard Roost Road east of Mountain Home and is a 40-acre tract which borders U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land surrounding Lake Norfork, along with other privately owned lands.

The city received an unsolicited offer for the land, which was not on the open market. City Attorney Roger Morgan told the council the mayor had contacted him about the offer, which was added to the agenda for this week’s meeting.

After reviewing the situation, Adams and Morgan decided the property should be sold through a bidding process. A copy of the offer was included with the meeting’s agenda, but had the proposed buyer’s name and the amount offered for the land redacted.

Morgan told the council the redaction will allow for the city to go ahead and accepted sealed bids, with the proposed buyer’s current offer to stand as his bid.

Adams explains how the bidding will be conducted and what the deadline is for placing a bid.


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The land is not accessible by any public roadway, except for a “farm road” off of Christensen Road, east of the city. Adams, along with City Building Inspector Greg Ifland examined the property, telling the council the land has no easements and is basically “landlocked.”

Both men report the land is exceptionally steep and is basically a ravine and two hillsides. The mayor mentioned several city officials had hunted on the land as teenagers.

Anyone interested in placing a bid should call the Mountain Home Mayor’s office at (870) 425-5116.

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