Victim wants no contact order dropped against boyfriend, then says she is living with him


The identified victim in an altercation between boyfriend and girlfriend came to Baxter County Circuit Court Monday to ask that a no contact order be dropped against the boyfriend.

The issue became somewhat confused when the victim said she wanted the order dropped despite the fact they were currently living in the same house in apparent violation of the active order.

The woman, 19-year-old Rachelle Cockrum, said reports that her boyfriend, 18-year-old Hunter Dillard, had hit her during an incident that occurred earlier this month on the parking lot of Harps midtown store were not true.

Statements made in the probable cause affidavit – including one attributed to Cockrum herself – contradict her denial.

The probable cause affidavit reports Cockrum saying Dillard hit her in the face, removed her glasses and broke them.

Other witnesses corroborated the story, according to the affidavit. One witness said Dillard had “put a red mark on Rachelle’s face.”

Witnesses also quoted Dillard, who was described as highly intoxicated and barely able to walk, saying he was going to get a gun and “blow her brains out.” He also said, according to people on the scene, that he “was not afraid of going to jail.”

He was also alleged to have said that he “did not care about Rachelle and would leave her dead on the side of the road.”

In describing her fear that Dillard would go and get the child they had together and drive around in his condition, she said the child was at their residence seeming to indicate she had or did live with Dillard.

When the request for dropping the no contact order was first raised in court last week, Cockrum’s reasoning seemed to be based on the two living apart.

She told the court that, “We have a kid together and it’s hard without him.”

Circuit Judge John Putman said, after reading the probable cause affidavit, said he was not inclined to drop or modify the no contact order at this point.

“This was a very dangerous situation,” the judge told Cockrum, “and we want to be sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Prosecutor David Ethredge said the state was opposed to dropping the order given the nature of the incident. “We are concerned with what might take place,” he told the court.

Judge Putman began questioning Cockrum about alternative living arrangements. She said she basically had nowhere to go.

When the judge asked about her current living arrangements, Cockrum said she lived in a house with Dillard and his grandfather. The grandfather was in court and verified her statement.

The judge pointed out that seemed to defeat the purpose of the no contact order since it was intended to keep Cockrum and Dillard apart.

“I am not sure why you want the order dropped if you are already living in the same house,” Judge Putman told Cockrum. In addition, if they are living in the same house, Dillard could be in jeopardy of being arrested for violating the order to stay away from Cockrum.

It had been a long day by that point and some of the questions surrounding Cockrum’s request were left for another court session.

The no contact order was left in place and officials say they will monitor the couple’s living arrangements.

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