15 business licenses issued in October, 8 home-based


The City of Mountain Home issued 15 business licenses in August, including eight home-based, according to a report from the Building Inspection Manager Jeannie Anderson.

The licenses include:

Mir Khezri for Acura Neon Inc., a sign painter and installer, located at 1801 North Willow Avenue;
Al Beers for 24 Hour Fuel 1005 located at 4106 Highway 62 East;
Shad and Jessica McClain for McClain Chiropractic located at 940 East 9th Street;
Langevin Eye Center located at 65 Walmart Drive Suite 8;
Michala Shrable for Lax Creations, a retail store, located at 372 East 1st Street;
Dave Ettel for Flippin Choppers located at 1041 Highland Circle #27; and
Demi Feliccia for Beautox Aesthetics, a health spa, located at 359 East 7th Street.

The home-based licenses include:

Phil Smeja for Precision Painting and Decorating;
Rene Ford for Reliance Services Inc., a tree trimming company;
Ty Cotter for C&K Foam Insulation;
Brian Spears for Eco ATM LLC.;
David Taylor for Divine Design Handyman Service;
Dustin Brey for Brickyard Masonry and Construction;
Michael Chappel for Let’s Go For It, a general remodeling company; and
Ripken Finley for RIP Properties LLC., a new construction company.

Total licensing revenue for October equals $7,395 which includes $6,421 in alcohol tax and licesnes; $993 in ocupation licenses; $5 in pet licenses and $155 in garage sales.

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